Crystal Energy, original von Dr. Patrick Flanagan, 1/3/6/12x 120ml, Microcluster

Artikelnummer: 96130000

51,95 EUR

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Nur 3 Stück auf Lager.

Crystal Energy®
von Dr. Patrick Flanagan

Unser Körper besteht im Durchschnitt zu über 70% aus Wasser, das Gehirn zu 90%, selbst die Knochen zu 60%. Der Körper eines Neugeborenen besteht noch zu etwa 90% aus Wasser. Dieser ursprüngliche Wassergehalt nimmt im Laufe unseres Lebens immer mehr ab. Ältere Menschen weisen nur noch einen Wassergehalt von etwa 50% auf. 99% der chemischen Reaktionen in unserem Körper benötigen Wasser. Der Mensch ist ein Wasserwesen.

Der amerikanische Biophysiker Dr. Patrick Flanagan untersuchte das legendäre Hunzawasser, dem ganz erstaunliche Eigenschaften und Wirkungen nachgesagt wurden. Er stellte eine geringe Oberflächenspannung fest und fand winzige Mineralkolloide, wasserunlösliche Schwebepartikel, die für eine besonders stabile innere (kristalline) Struktur des Wassers sorgen. Leitungswasser ist im Vergleich dazu chaotisch strukturiert und hart, hat also eine große Oberflächenspannung.

Die Idee von Patrick Flanagan war, die Mineralkolloide im Labor nachzubilden, damit die speziellen Eigenschaften des Hunzawassers für alle zugänglich wären. In einem Prozess, der 33 Stufen durchläuft stellte er aus natürlichem Silizium (Kieselerde) submikroskopisch kleine kugelrunde Siliziumkolloide her und nannte sie Flanagan Microclusters®. Diese sind noch mal ca. 1000 mal kleiner als die ohnehin schon kleinen Kolloide normaler Größe. Sie sind so klein, dass sie leicht die Zellwände durchdringen und sogar das Lymphsystem und die Blut-Hirn-Schranke passieren können.

Der wichtigste Herstellungsprozess ist eine perfekte Verwirbelung. Flanagan entdeckte, dass dabei eine enorme Energetisierung stattfindet! Tropft man dieses Flüssigkristallenergiekonzentrat "Crystal Energy" in sein Trinkwasser bildet sich durch die hohe Oberflächenladung der Nanokolloide eine besonders lebendige Kristallstruktur und damit werden gleichzeitig alle gespeicherten negativen Informationen im Wasser überschrieben, also quasi gelöscht. Die Oberflächenspannung der behandelten Flüssigkeit wird deutlich gesenkt. Das ist eine sehr stabile und direkte physikalische Wirkung im Wasser - anders als bei einer Frequenzübertragung, die i.d.R. indirekt und zeitlich weniger stabil ist.

Durch Crystal Energy werden die Zellen besser mit Sauerstoff versorgt. Es wirkt einem Verklumpen des Blutes (Geldrollenbildung) entgegen, das eigentlich immer nach einem gekochten Essen auftritt und müde macht. Dieser Zustand ist leider bei vielen Menchen schon chronisch. Abfallstoffe und Toxine können leichter ausgeleitet werden, indem die Siliziumnanokolloide durch ihre negative Ladung (positiv geladene) Schadstoffe an sich binden und sie mit dem Wasserhaushalt ausscheiden...

Crystal Energy ist also ein Mittel zur Behandlung von Wasser, das die Oberflächenspannung von Wasser und sämtlichen Getränken verringert. Es bewirkt die Revitalisierung jeder getrunkenen Flüssigkeit und macht sie dadurch für den Körper leichter verfügbar. Es verbessert die Struktur und die Qualität von Trinkwasser und anderen Flüssigkeiten. Nur wenige Tropfen verändern die Oberflächenspannung und geben dem Wasser eine neue Struktur. Dadurch werden die essenziellen Funktionen von Wasser (Hydration, Benetzung und Transport von Nährstoffen, Abtransport von Abfallstoffen) enorm verstärkt. Es kann zusammen mit sämtlichen Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln, allen heißen oder kalten Flüssigkeiten und sogar in Suppen und Saucen verwendet werden. Crystal Energy wird in einer praktischen Flasche mit Tropfer geliefert – auch für unterwegs geeignet.

Crystal Energy wirkt in Kombination mit Dr. Flanagan's MegaHydrate (siehe Angebot hier im shop) am besten.

Inhalt pro Flasche: 120 ml

Mindestens haltbar bis: 02/25 oder 10/25

Zutaten: gereinigtes Wasser, Flanagan Microclusters® (Kaliumhydroxid, Siliciumdioxid, Magnesiumsulfat)

Verzehrsempfehlung: 1 TL (5 ml) in 4 Liter Wasser oder 10 Tropfen in jedes Glas Wasser geben. Mindestens 5 Gläser Wasser mit Crystal Energy täglich trinken.

120 ml entsprechen 4060 Tropfen.

Nach Ihrem Kauf auf Anfrage per E-mail kostenloser Email-Versand eines pdfs einer 40-seitigen Broschüre über Patrick Flanagan's Biographie und über seine Forscherwelt der Extreme mit dem Titel:  "Patrick Flanagan - ein wissenschaftlicher und spiritueller Grenzgänger" von David Reiners. Inklusive einer Mitschrift eines Vortrags Flanagan's über "Liebeskraft".

Crystal Energy®
by Dr. Patrick Flanagan

Thousands of Scientists and Medical Doctors around the world like F. Batmanghelidj, MD, are evangelizing the popular prescription for health, "Don't over-medicate, HYDRATE!" Science and Medicine have been seeking and studying miracle healing waters for decades. High elevation regions such as the Hunza in Pakistan and Vilcabamba in Ecuador, and others have been reputed to have healing waters for many generations. The fact is people who live in these regions and drink the water are known to live long, healthy, active lives well over 100 years of age. For ages, man has made pilgrimages to these remote regions in order to drink their "healing waters."

For over three decades, Dr. Patrick Flanagan has studied these remote regions of the world. While the diets in these regions differed dramatically, Dr. Flanagan discovered the amazing fact that the drinking water in these regions was almost identical and came from frozen glaciers that had melted. This water, known in some circles as "glacial milk", displays some very distinct physical differences from the water that most of the civilized world is drinking.

The surface tension of glacial milk is much lower. This means that the water can be absorbed directly into the cells of the body with much greater ease facilitating hydration and nutrient uptake. It also means that waste materials can be removed from the cells more easily by the same life-giving water. Dr. Flanagan also discovered that glacial milk, or "life water," had very distinct physical properties of viscosity, heat, and energy potential. After decades of laboratory and field research and study, Dr. Flanagan uncovered what may be the most important discovery about the true nature of hydration. He discovered why the waters are so different and can hydrate the human cell so effectively where people of these remote regions live well past 100 years of age.

Hunza water contains tiny negatively-charged minerals formed over thousands of years by melting glaciers. The reduced silicate mineral water was used by the Hunza people for drinking and for irrigation of their crops.

He worked for years attempting to recreate Hunza water in his laboratory. Finally, he succeeded in developing a 33-step process that produced submicroscopic mineral spheroids with negative charges, reproducing the properties of Hunza water. Patrick named this compound Flanagan Microclusters® and introduced it as a liquid concentrate called "Crystal Energy".

Dr Flanagan's claims the following:
  • Crystal Energy helps to rehydrates your cells.
  • Aids in digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • Helps chelate toxins from your body

By adding a few drops of Crystal Energy to your clean tapwater, you can enjoy water with the same properties as the Hunza water.

The symptoms of aging are connected with a slow dehydration of our vital tissues, and associated with oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Crystal Energy not only rehydrates your body tissues, but also reduces the surface tension of the liquids you drink, which then have the same properties as the body´s own cellular fluid.
Microclusters are beneficial when added to water or to nutritional supplements, reducing surface tension and making nutrients "wetter" to improve their bioavailability. The efficient transfer of nutrients and minerals from food into the cells depends on the body's ability to digest and break down larger molecules into smaller ones, and add digestion fluids that suspend the particles and make them "wetter".
The zeta potential, as well as the surface tension is therefore crucial. If zeta potential is low, nutrients are not easily suspended for transportation to the cells and waste products are not easily suspended for elimination. Crystal Energy provides microclusters with a high zeta potential (negative electrical charge) that will help suspend the nutrient particles, easing their absorption into the cells. By keeping the proper polar attraction between negatively charged nutrients and positively charged intracellular fluid, the nutritional absorption and cellular metabolism are at optimum levels for health, energy and wellbeing.

Add Crystal Energy to clean water and all your nourishing fluids.

In the words of Dr. Patrick Flanagan himself:

"The great majority of people do not recognize the absolutely crucial value of drinking the right kind of water. When doctors say, "Drink plenty of water or you will become dehydrated," they are talking about the water around your cells, the intercellular water. However, we're talking about cellular hydration, the water inside the cells themselves.
Research in the field of cellular hydration has shown that when the cell swells up, it triggers an anabolic mechanism in the body, which is a healing mechanism. It is accompanied by positive nitrogen balance, protein synthesis, and growth hormone release, equivalent to useful levels even in older people. Cellular hydration also results in a reduction of cell acidity, reduced autoimmune response, increased fat burning and DNA repair.

Now when the cells become dehydrated, it triggers a catabolic state accompanied by muscle wasting, cell hypoxia (oxygen starvation), DNA damage, and accelerated aging. As a result the cell becomes more sensitive to free radicals. Virtually all symptoms of aging are the result of cellular dehydration accompanied by free radical damage.

For cellular hydration, you need low surface tension bodily fluids. If you drink a lot of water that has a very high surface tension, like tap water, you're not going to get the hydration needed. Most people think if you just drink a lot of fluids, you won't become dehydrated. Well, the water around your cells will be there but it does not necessarily go inside the cell. When you drink the right kind of water, at the proper surface tension, then the water can actually get into the cell. It's the same thing with the skin - that's why we recommend that you spray on Crystal Energy before applying some creme to help its absorption into the skin.

When we add Crystal Energy to water, each drop of Crystal Energy has over 20 million spherical catalytic particles in it. These particles attract water molecules by electrical action which reduces the surface tension, making ordinary water wetter. It creates a surface tension that is similar to the surface tension in the cell.

Basically this validates what we've been saying for many years; the type of water you drink may be one of the most important things that you can do for your body. You want to be in a state where your cells are constantly hydrated, not dehydrated. If your cells are hydrated, your body is in a very neutral condition and your cells can repair themselves. Water is one of our most essential needs and the key to good health."

Contents: Purified water, Flanagan Microclusters® (potassium hydroxide, silicon dioxide, magnesium sulfate)

Recommended use: Add one teaspoon to 4.5 litres of pure water, or 10 drops per glass. Drink at least 5 glasses of this water daily.

Content per bottle: 4 oz (120 ml). It contains around 4060 drops.

Best before: 02/25 or 10/25

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